Onboarding Checklist

Congratulations! You’ve found the perfect person for your next hire, and they’ve accepted your offer. Now what? This post will walk you through the steps of onboarding a new employee.

Note: some of the steps may not apply to all employees.


  • Have them sign and return the offer letter

  • Agree on start date and hours/schedule

  • Have them sign and return the employee handbook to show they have read it

  • Set up an email account

  • Set up phone

  • Have a set of keys made (for office, shop as appropriate)

  • Set up Tsheets/Harvest/time tracking account

  • Add them as users on other software

  • Set up a computer/workstation – new user login, software installed, networking permissions set

  • Set up their desk so they have a clean and welcoming workspace, basic office supplies, any company swag (t-shirt, hat?)

  • Add their name to any supplier accounts

  • Add them to company-wide email list for announcements or employee contact list

  • Create an overall onboarding plan/schedule which details who will do what in the first week or two

  • Send out an announcement of the new staff person to the current team before Day 1


  • Introduce your new hire to the rest of the team

  • Complete employment paperwork:

    • W-4 (state and federal)

    • I-9 (and make a copy of their driver’s license/passport)

    • Direct Deposit form (if applicable)

    • Emergency Contact form

  • Tour of the office – where to find things, supplies, files, plans, etc.

  • Sit down and talk through the employee handbook – not word for word, but hit the high points, review policies around vacation, holidays, etc – answer questions as needed

  • Review how to access email, Dropbox/server, time tracking; make sure everything is set up and working properly

  • Review onboarding schedule for the week/month so they know what to expect, including at least a weekly check-in with their direct supervisor – this may be more frequent to start

  • Describe logistics/work culture – Where’s the bathroom? Where do folks eat lunch? Who locks up?

  • Consider assigning a mentor for the new hire from within your team (make sure the mentor is on board and knows what is expected of them)

  • Set goals for the first week

  • Provide a list of tasks or training they can work on when they are not sure what to do next (Is there a training video they can watch? Documents to review?)


  • Set up new hire in payroll system

  • File new hire paperwork with the state

  • Set up benefits (health insurance, 401k/IRA, etc as needed)

  • Add a 30 day and 90 day review on the calendar

  • Detailed orientation to the projects/responsibilities of their job description

  • Develop a workplan together along with schedule going forward

  • Review company vision/mission/purpose or other documents that describe the business goals, where you’re headed and why

  • Review software systems and protocols for use of company technology, file storage, password protection

  • Consider organizing a group lunch or social event for the new hire to get to know the team


  • Review onboarding plan and whether all tasks have been completed

  • Identify areas for additional training

  • Gather feedback about how things have been going over the first month

  • Discuss any needed improvements in performance


  • Review original job description and discuss any potential changes needed

  • Gather feedback about how things have been going over the first 3 months

  • Discuss any needed improvements in performance

And finally, remember to show gratitude! Let your new hire know how important they are to the team and that their contributions matter.

Related Resources:

10 Step Hiring Process

Employee Performance Reviews


What's a Fair Wage?


Employee Performance Reviews