Our Commitment
February 2, 2025
Dear Community,
How are you???
Take a moment—breathe, drop your shoulders, and get curious about what comes up. As business owners, leaders, friends, and family members, we can’t show up as our best selves for others if we aren’t well. With so much happening right now, it’s understandable if things feel overwhelming, heavy, or unpredictable. And it’s okay to not be okay. We are all doing our best.
Some mornings, I wake up and cautiously check my phone for updates from my carefully curated sources. Recently, more often than not, it leads down a spiral of anxiety, fear, anger, and sorrow. It’s painful to see loved ones (and our planet) intentionally harmed and hard not to feel powerless.
But on other days, I manage to find grounding and acceptance and ask myself: What is this moment trying to teach us? How can we learn from our past, heal divisions, and build meaningful connections with one another and our natural world—while fiercely defending our communities (and institutions) under attack? In those moments, I’m aware of our interconnectedness and inspired to look for the good in others.
At HELM, we’ve been reflecting on how we meet this unprecedented moment. As a planet and people-forward firm, we remain dedicated to serving our clients and community in alignment with our values, while finding ways to build bridges with those with whom we have differences. Out of this reflection, we’ve crafted new guiding principles that better represent our commitment. We’d love to hear your thoughts.
Building a just and sustainable future
We believe in the collective power of resilient small businesses to transform the construction industry into a force for positive change. We embrace Climate Justice as the framework to address the interconnectedness of social and environmental equity.
Fostering connection and inclusivity
We understand that the future of our planet and humanity depends on the quality of our relationships. We nurture a positive and inclusive culture with our team, clients, and our communities. Through the lens of justice, centering feminist and anti-racist values, we aim to transform our economy from an extractive to a regenerative model.
Practicing continuous learning and leadership
We commit to ongoing growth and a learning culture. We model this for our clients, and offer our team generous support for their professional development. Our goal is to inspire, develop and empower courageous leaders who are ready to make an impact in our sector.
Serving our clients with humility and care
We honor the trust our clients place in us as both a privilege and a responsibility. With compassion and non-judgment, we strive to provide exceptional service, expert guidance, and the support necessary to meet their unique needs.
Mel Baiser
Co-founder, Director of Vision & Strategy
HELM Construction Solutions
This year, HELM has expanded our offerings in consulting, coaching, training, and project management and we’re cultivating stronger community partnerships to amplify our impact in the industry. We’ve also grown our incredible team, and as we begin 2025, we’re grateful to the nearly 200 construction, design-build, and architecture firms across North America who have trusted us to be a part of their journey.
Hope (and connection) are the antidotes to despair. I’m more certain than ever that we must remain focused on our vision and actively build towards a just transition. At HELM, we are driven by purpose, guided by our values, and powered by the belief that change is not only possible, but inevitable. Thank you for being part of our community.
Let’s do this together,