2024 Compensation Survey - Please Contribute!

HELM’s Design & Construction Industry Compensation Survey provides a detailed look at the current state of compensation within the high-performance design and construction sector in the Northeast. Our goal is to help participating companies identify market trends and understand how the rapidly changing cost of living has affected wages and benefits.

In past years (2018 and 2022) we compiled data from over 50 companies across the Northeast U.S. This year we hope to expand the number of states and companies represented. Please share the survey link with your colleagues - the more participation we get, the stronger the data set!

The survey will be open from August 15 - October 30.

The survey results will be grouped by state and by company size, and participating companies will not be identified in any way. However, if you’d like to receive a copy of the full detailed survey report, you’ll need to provide an email address. We will also share an executive summary on the HELM website.

TO PARTICIPATE: We recommend you select one representative from your company to fill out the survey, which takes 15-20 minutes to complete, depending on the number of positions you list. You will need access to your company financials, wage information, and details on benefits.

Questions? Contact Kath McCusker (kath@buildhelm.com).


HELM & Friends Third Hike*-A-Thon Fundraiser